November is the perfect time to plant out new hedges, screens and windbreaks. At Blackwood’s, a wide range of top quality hedge plants are on offer right now. There are plants suitable for low boxed hedges, taller formal hedges, large screens and even windbreaks.
Hedges and screens lend structure and formality to the garden. They help to create exterior rooms within the landscape and offer protection and privacy if planted around the boundary or perimeter of properties. All plants listed are evergreen and offer year round good looks.
- Abelia x grandiflora (glossy abelia)
A quick growing evergreen shrub with small, tubular white flowers in summer. Forms a good low to medium sized formal hedge. Full sun to light shade. Cold hardy. Clips well. Space new plants 30 to 40 cm apart.
(2 to 3 plants per metre). - Buxus microphylla ‘Faulkner’ (box)
Slow growing evergreen shrub with small green leaves. Makes the perfect low boxed hedge for formal gardens. Full sun to medium shade. Cold hardy. Clips extremely well. Space new plants 20 to 25 cm apart. (4 to 5 plants per metre). - x Cuprocyparis leylandii (Leyland’s cypress)
Fast growing conifer with grey green foliage. Ideal for boundary screens and windbreaks, especially on farms. Full sun. Cold hardy. Clips well, but can be left to grow naturally. Space 120 to 200 cm apart. (1 to 2 plants per 2 metres). - Duranta aurea (golden dew drop)
Shrub with a moderate growth rate with bright golden foliage. Good for low boxed hedges or medium height screens. Full sun. Withstands light frost only. Clips well. Space new plants 30 to 60 cm apart depending on type of hedge required. (2 to 3 plants per metre). - Viburnum odoratissimum (sweet viburnum)
A quick growing evergreen shrub or tree with scented white flowers in spring. Outstanding tall hedge or boundary screen plant. Full sun to light shade. Cold hardy. Clips well but large leaves can be damaged in the process. Space new plants 90 to 150 cm apart. (2 to 3 plants per 3 metres).