Autumn is often regarded as the “mini spring” in the gardening world. Many plants flower during this season due to similar day length hours, temperatures and other general climatic factors. This ensures that autumn is always a bright and vibrant time of the year blessed with stable weather conditions. Make a point of planting autumn flowers in the garden to accentuate this beautiful season.

This is a short list of some of the many plants that make autumn so bright and beautiful in KwaZulu-Natal.

Annuals and perennials (low growing)

Key: (E) = evergreen (D) = deciduous (I) = indigenous (F) = fruit (S) = seed (C) = climber (B) = bulb (A) = annual

Aloe suprafoliata (book aloe) (E) (I)
Anemone japonica (Japanese anemone) (D)
Angelonia angustifolia Hybrids (angelonia) (E)
Argyranthemum frutescens ‘Lemon Queen’ (marguerite daisy) (E) Note: most Argyranthemums flower in autumn
Begonia ‘Big Series’ (bush begonia) (E) Note: many begonias flower in autumn
Bergaranthus jamesii (yellow ice plant) (E) (I)
Bulbine frutescens (burn jelly plant) (E) (I)
Calendula officinalis (pot marigold) (E) (A)
Canna Hybrids (canna) (D) (B)
Clivia gardenii (Natal drooping clivia) (E) (I)
Cosmos bipinnatum (cosmos) (E) A)
Crocosmia aurea (falling stars) (D) (I)
Crossandra infundibuliformis (crossandra) (E) (I)
Cuphea mexicana ‘White Wonder’ and ‘Purple’ (false heather) (E)
Dahlia pinnata Hybrids (bush dahlia) (D)
Dianthus chinensis x barbatus ‘Chiba Series’ (dianthus) (E) (A)
Echinacea purpurea (coneflower) (D)
Euphorbia milii Hybrids (Christ thorn) (D)
Evolvulus glomeratus (blue daze) (E)
Gaillardia x grandiflora (blanket flower) (E)
Gaura lindheimeri Hybrids (angel wings) (E)
Gypsophila muralis (gypsy) (E) (A)
Impatiens ‘Sunpatiens’ Hybrids (New Guinea Impatiens) (E)
Kleinia fulgens (coral senecio) (E) (I)
Kniphofia pauciflora (miniature poker) (D) (I)
Lobularia maritima (sweet alyssum) (E) (A)
Lobelia erinus (lobelia) (E) (A)
Mimulus x hybridus (monkey flower) (E) (A)
Nerine bowdenii and Hybrids (spider lily) (D) (I) (B)
Penstemon hartwegii Hybrids (penstemon (ED)
Petunia x hybrida (petunia or oupa se hoed) (E) (A)
Plectranthus ciliatus (spur flower) (E) (I) – Note: most plectranthus types flower in autumn
Plectranthus ‘Mona Lavender’ (lavender spur flower) (E) (I)
Plectranthus neochilus (lobster flower) (E) (I)
Portulaca oleracea Hybrids (purslane) (E)
Rudbeckia hirta (black eyed susan) (D)
Salvia leucantha (Mexican bush sage) (E)
Salvia rutilans (pineapple sage) (E)
Salvia splendens (scarlet sage) (E)
Tagetes erecta (marigold) (E) (A)
Zinnia marylandica ‘Zahara Series’ (E) (A)

Shrubs and climbers (medium to tall growing)

Key: (E) = evergreen (D) = deciduous (I) = indigenous (F) = fruit (S) = seed (C) = climber (B) = bulb (A) = annual

Barleria obtusa (South Coast bush violet) (E) (I)
Bougainvillea x buttiana Hybrids (bougainvillea) (ED) (C) (T) – Note: most bougainvillea hybrids flower in autumn
Buddleja auriculata (eared sagewood) (E) (I)
Camellia sasanqua Hybrids (small leaf camellia) (E)
Correa alba (white correa) (E)
Dombeya burgessiae (pink wild pear) (D) (I)
Duranta ‘Sapphire Showers’ (ED)
Euryops pectinatus (yellow daisy bush) (E) (I)
Freylinia tropica (river bells) (E) (I)
Gomphostigma virgatum (falling stars) (E) (I)
Grevillea lanigera ‘Mt Tamboritha’ (Australian grevillea) (E)
Hamelia patens (hummingbird bush) (ED)
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Hybrids (shoe black plant) (E)
Holmskoldia sanguinea (Chinese hat bush) (D)
Hypoestes aristata (ribbon bush) (E) (I)
Ixora chinensis in many colours (flame of the forest) (E)
Ixora coccinea (flame of the forest) (E)
Karomia speciosa (wild parasol flower) (E) (I)
Leonotis leonurus (wild dagga) (E) (I)
Leucadendron salignum ‘Red Devil’ (cone bush) (E) (I) – Note: many leucadendrons start flowering in autumn
Luculia gratissima (luculia) (E)
Mandevilla x amabilis ‘Alice du Pont’ (climbing dipladenia) (E) (C)
Mandevilla sanderi Hybrids (bush dipladenia) (E)
Mansoa alliacea (amethyst or garlic vine) (E) (C)
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys (megas) (E)
Odontonema stricta (red firespike) (E)
Perovskia atriplicifolia (Russian sage) (D)
Plectranthus ecklonii different cultivars (large spur flower bush) (D) (I)
Plumbago auriculata (plumbago) (ED) (I)
Protea neriifolia Hybrids (bearded protea) (E) (I)
Rhododendron indicum ‘Encore’ Series (autumn azalea) (E)
Rosa x hybrida (rose) (D)
Russellia equisetiformis (firecracker bush) (E)
Ruttya fruticosa (jammy mouth) (E) (I)
Ruttyruspolia ‘Phyllis van Heerden’ (E) (I)
Salvia ‘Salmia’ Hybrids (bush salvia) (E)
Senecio tamoides (canary creeper) (E) (I) (C)
Strelitzia reginae (crane flower) (E) (I)
Tecoma capensis all colours (Cape honeysuckle) (E) (I)
Tetradenia riparia (iboza) (D) (I)
Viburnum macrocephalum (Chinese snowball) (ED)

Trees (tall growing)

Key: (E) = evergreen (D) = deciduous (I) = indigenous (F) = fruit (S) = seed (C) = climber (B) = bulb (A) = annual

Alberta magna (Natal flame) (E) (I)
Chorisia speciosa (kapok tree) (D)
Koelreuteria bipinnata (rainbow tree) (D)
Nuxia floribunda (forest elder) (E) (I)
Senna multijuga (yellow cassia) (D)
Tabebuia impetiginosa (ipe or pink trumpet tree) (D)
Tibouchina granulosa all colours (glory bush) (E)
Tibouchina mutabilis (multi-coloured glory bush) (E)

Key: (E) = evergreen (D) = deciduous (I) = indigenous (F) = fruit (S) = seed (C) = climber (B) = bulb (A) = annual


Whilst every care and caution has been taken in compiling these lists in terms of correctness and accuracy, Blackwood’s, nor any of their employees can be held liable or responsible if any of the recommendations are found to be incorrect in any way whatsoever. They are merely a guide to help gardeners and staff in finding solutions to gardening problems. All plants listed may not be available for sale at times. They do however all grow in the greater KwaZulu-Natal area and are to be found growing successfully in local gardens.