Aloe flowering time is here right now. Gardens and many natural landscapes are adorned with these typically African plants. Bright flowers rich in nectar entice birds and insects to visit in their hoards. Few other plants play such a vital role in sustaining the health and well being of so many creatures during cold winter months.

The modern, African garden landscape is invariably richly planted with aloes, dry grasses and other succulents. Fortunately, aloes are available in a wide range from tiny little plants grown for their attractive foliage to giant tree aloes (Aloidendron barberae) planted for their statuesque shape and form. Tall single stemmed types like bitter aloe (A. ferox) and the mountain aloe (A. marlothii) are revered for their distinctive look, lending an out of Africa feel to the garden. Their flowers are held in large racemes above the stout spiny leaf crown. Magnificent as individual specimens in the garden or in vast groupings in wild and wonderful places.

Use aloes to create attractive gardens that demand minimal attention and very little water. They’re easy to grow and oh so rewarding when grown and planted in the correct context. June is a great month to visit the Blackwood’s stores and check out all the aloes.