October is rose month! We are quickly heading towards summer and the change of seasons is evident in the beautiful abundance of flowers everywhere. To keep your roses looking lovely all through the summer, you will need to make sure that you care for them properly now.

With increasing temperatures your roses will need to be watered more frequently and good watering during the summer months is essential. It’s advisable that you should water for a longer amount of time less frequently, rather than every day for shorter intervals. This will keep the roses’ roots sufficiently hydrated.

Mulching is another essential to ensure that your roses are at their best. Mulching creates a protective water retention layer on the soil around the roses and keeps the roots cool. Mulch also prevents water evaporation and it can also provide additional nutrients. Pine needles are an effective mulch that allows air to circulate and water to easily flow through without any absorption. Roses love the acidity of the needles. Bark or woodchip also work very well and are readily available.



Ensuring that your roses have sufficient nutrients during the flowering season will allow your plants to perform much better. A well-fed plant also has better resistance to disease.
Nitrogen assists with the tall, lush growth of your roses, assisting in the depth and intensity of the colour of the blooms. Take care, though, as excess nitrogen can burn your plants.
Phosphorus is essential for strong root growth and for the production of flowers and seeds.  It also assists in reducing downey mildew.  Phosphorus is a a slow-acting fertilizer, adding nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and zinc to the soil which.  This, in turn, increases microbial activity in the soil.
Potassium helps in achieving big, beautiful roses with large and plentiful blooms.

Rose Beetles are large black and yellow beetles that live on the sap inside a rose bud. They bore deep into the bud to extract the liquid, destroying the flower in the process.
Aphids are small green or pink spear-shaped insects that live on the sap of new, soft growth. They can usually be found on new rose buds and on the underside of the plant’s leaves. The insects produce a sticky substance called honeydew, which attracts ants and causes a sooty mould fungal growth.
African Bollworm is a pest that can have devastating effects because of its voracious feeding habits. The worm enters the flower to feed and destroys the flower in the process. The bollworm can be difficult to control, as it is often able to develop resistance to chemicals.

There is a wide range of products available to treat rose pest and fungal issues.  For information and advice on the most up to date choice of products, please pop in to any Blackwood’s and chat to our staff.


Say “welcome” to one of the most beautiful months of the year with flowers galore.